Pay As You Go Mobile Phones

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Pay As You Go Mobile Phones

Frequently asked questions

What is a Pay As You Go phone?

A pay as you go deal is the polar opposite of a contract mobile phone. Giving you complete freedom over how much you want to pay.

Whereas a pay monthly deal would you see you pay a set monthly cost over a fixed contract of 12/18 or 24 months in return giving you a subsidised handset (in most cases free) along with a predetermined amount of minutes, texts and data.

PAYG (Pay As You Go) means you would purchase a handset at the prevailing rate or use one you already have and then top up to cover how many minutes, text and data you might use. back to top

Why should I choose a PAYG deal?

PAYG deals are great for those that want the freedom to top up as they please without having lengthy contracts with fixed monthly payments.

PAYG users will normally be users with very little usage or simply need the financial control. It doesn’t mean however that you waive the right to cheap pay as you go deals. Plenty of the networks will offer to exchange your mobile phone credits for a bundle of minutes, text and data. The catch will come in the form of a time limit. Meaning that you will need use the freebies within a set period of time or risk losing the bundle. back to top

Pay As You Go Mobile Phones and Contract Mobile Phones

Unfortunately without a converting your credit into a bundle of minutes, text and data then pay as you go mobile phones usually tend to be more expensive.

The networks can do this because by signing into a mobile phone contract they have secured your money for a set period of time and therefor are in a position to offer cheaper deals.

A contract mobile phone will give you the freedom to have a newer mobile phone without paying potentially hundreds for it back to top

Where do SIM only deals some into this?

SIM only deals have become increasingly popular over the last couple of years and are a great intermediary step between contract deals and pay as you go deals.

A SIM only deal allows you to have the freedom of not being tied into a contract as most deals allow you to cancel with just 30 days notice. They also give you the great value of a contract mobile phone and sometimes even better! As there is no mobile phone cost for the network.

Most will allow you to set a limit on your account to stop you from going over as well. So you can get the same freedom of PAYG without having to worry to top up. back to top

How do I top up?

Topping up is quick and easy, most networks allow you to do this in many different ways.

You can pop into most newsagents and supermarkets to purchase your top up, you can use smartphone apps that most networks offer and you can also phone the network allowing you to use a credit or debit card.

Some networks do put a restriction on the credit has been topped up, most of the time this just means you have to make or receive a chargeable call/text every 180 days or risk losing your credit. For most this will be easy to keep up with.

Once your credit has run out you can still receive calls and text messages, you will not however be able to respond. Of course if you have access to Wi-Fi then you can still use the phone's internet via this method. back to top

I have a Pay As You Go mobile, if I purchase a contract deal can I keep my number?

If you are currently on pay as you go and are deciding to move over a pay monthly deal switching is easy.

You just need to phone your current mobile phone network and ask for your PAC code, you would then provide this to your new mobile phone network and they will arrange for your telephone number to be transferred in a matter of days. back to top